Entrepreneurship on professional training

We develop entrepreneur culture


Welcome to Ekingune! the Entrepreneurship Community of the Vocational Training in the Basque Country. A project developed by TKNIKA (Centre for Investigation and Applied Innovation in VET) and the Vocational training centers, public, private and semi private centers, committed to entrepreneurship.

Latest news

Ikasenpresa is already underway

The model FP Euskadi de Aprendizaje emphasizes in its methodological field several lines of work, of which one is the Entrepreneurial Culture based on the ikasenpresa program. Taking into account this and taking into account the current situation of our society, the Ikasenpresa module will be essential to face the new employment situation demanded by the current economic framework. The Ikasenpresa program is already underway and the first companies have been created in the course 2020-2021. A total of 80 educational centres, 6000 students and 230 teachers participate. ikasenpresa is a topic of great actuality due to the weight of entrepreneurship in our society. Entrepreneurship has a great importance in today's society, since it integrates creativity, initiative, leadership, motivation… In the current economic situation, it is important for future professionals to educate in this sense, to offer the necessary tools to professionals capable of working on their own in the future. https://youtu.be/861cIjVn_R0      


The eigth edition of Ikasenpresa Fair was held in Eibar last 14th February. VIDEO Around 2000 students from 81 Basque VET centres exhibited their 376 entrepreneurial projects. Those were the selected ones among the 890 projects developed through Ikasenpresa programme. Since very early in the sunny morning, the students were arriving by 50 buses organized by the Eibar Local Police in order to avoid traffic jams in the city. The stands were, step by step, showing the products and services generated by our students along this school year. That means that a high variety of ideas were developed as a result of the richness of our VET System. Therefore, we could preceive creative ideas in the ICT field targeting disadvantaged groups, or even focused on the industrial field. Morevover, a few projects about hairdressing, aesthetics, characterization, hospitality and tourism were also displayed. From Tknika we would like to congratulate all the attendants to the sale point in Eibar due to their commitment and enthusiasm. In the same way, we would like to congratulate all the teachers because due to their effort and dedication, this fair has been organised once again. Finally, and especially, we are grateful to Eibar Townhall for[...]


Another course and it has given the kick-off to IKASENPRESA program through its start days during the first fortnight of October. These meetings have been held in various professional training centers in Euskadi; in paricular 14 have been developed, bringing together about 450 students from different training cycles. Starting to promote entrepreneurial initiative was the main goal, which was developed among students through different activities. Thus, it is intended that during the development of the day, the participants worked different capacities related to the characteristics of the entrepreneurial spirit; such as, how they can confront and overcome obstacles and developing or improving their confidence. In this occasion, just a single participant of each group represented each team, taking a challenge to share in the development of the day.  Once they get back to their center, they  have to transfer what they learned to the rest of their classmates in the classroom. All the members who  are involved in Ikasenpresa program encourage  81 professional training centers participating in this course in the program, which means a total of more than 5,000 students, to continue working with the same enthusiasm we have perceived. The following important common meeting will be the Ikasenpresa[...]
