Ikasenpresa is already underway

The model FP Euskadi de Aprendizaje emphasizes in its methodological field several lines of work, of which one is the Entrepreneurial Culture based on the ikasenpresa program.

Taking into account this and taking into account the current situation of our society, the Ikasenpresa module will be essential to face the new employment situation demanded by the current economic framework.

The Ikasenpresa program is already underway and the first companies have been created in the course 2020-2021. A total of 80 educational centres, 6000 students and 230 teachers participate.

ikasenpresa is a topic of great actuality due to the weight of entrepreneurship in our society. Entrepreneurship has a great importance in today’s society, since it integrates creativity, initiative, leadership, motivation…

In the current economic situation, it is important for future professionals to educate in this sense, to offer the necessary tools to professionals capable of working on their own in the future.