The Education Department of the Basque Government through Tknika (Centre for Investigation and Applied Innovation in VET), coordinates the program called IKASENPRESA, addressed to VET students.
What is Ikasenpresa?
Ikasenpresa is an educational program that is developed around the creation of school companies in the classroom. The aim of this project is to offer an approach to the business world into the classroom, focusing on the development of entrepreneurial skills (creativity, innovation, team work, decision making, initiative, leadership, commitment and determination, negotiation, etc.), to stimulate the approach to other cultures and social realities and to promote the cooperation among schools.Goals
- Create an Ikasenpresa, so the students are conscious of what is entrepreneurship and the steps that it takes
- Develop the student’s skills to turn them in good professionals- employable and active entrepreneur and intrapreneur persons
- Sensitize the student about self-employment as another option